Sunday, March 3, 2013


Ok, so I've held on to this blog for a few years now.  I've had the name "MouthVomit" (which is a highly attractive, yet subtle, indicator of how I am going to approach this outlet) for that same amount of time for use on my twitter and this blog.  I've been cautiously considering when I wanted to break this thing open.  Well, I think now might just be the time.

For those of you who want rhyme and reason to your story, you need to leave, there is none here.  Shit just happens in this playground.

Welcome to the restart of MouthVomit.  I want to talk sports, life, and whatever else.  I am open to all topics, all opinions.  Am I going to get myself in trouble, I hope not. Opinions tend to gather attention, however; like one of my favorite sports writers knows, the esteemed Mr. Jason Whitlock of Fox Sports, whose columns usually are thought provoking, (although I give myself a 50/50 when it comes to my concurrence with his ultimate conclusions) when you have an opinion, you create conversation (gun control anyone?).

That is the point though.  Create conversation, and share my opinion with all of you who take the time to read my ramblings.

My blog will tend to have an Indy sports focus as I live in and am born/raised in Indianapolis.  I will focus on larger stories as well that pop out. 

I hope I get some readers, I think that will be fun and hopefully create good conversation.  If not, well its therapeutic for me at the very least. 

And off we go...